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Hearts With Hooves - Special Needs Camps

Studies have shown that Equine Assisted Learning and Expressive Equine Therapy can help children with special needs increase their communication as horses cannot talk, they help participants with developing better nonverbal communication skills. Horses can react to mood swings and cues, so participants will have a better understanding of how that affects those around them.

Horseback riding helps children develop balance, increase muscle tone, improve flexibility, coordination, and core strength. Additionally, the atmosphere and interacting with horses can provide a calming effect that helps to reduce anxiety. Horse movement the rhythmic experience of horse-riding can soothe your child and relieve them of their frustration. Plus, as horses tend to have calmer temperaments and make slower and steadier movements than other therapy animals, they are less likely to move in unpredictable ways that could work a child up.

When a child, especially one with special needs, bonds with a horse, it is very emotionally rewarding for the kids and their families. Equine Expressive Therapy Equine Assisted Learning increase life skills valuable to the participant success.

A year-round weekly program, day camps, weekend retreats, and summer camps are available. More information can be found at:


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